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Setting Up a Rapid Mycoplasma Assay Supporting Recombinant Production

BPI Contributor

May 25, 2018

20 Min View
Setting Up a Rapid Mycoplasma Assay Supporting Recombinant Production

Date: May 25, 2018

Duration: 20 Min

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This webcast features: Kent Persson, PhD, Project Manager, Octapharma

Octapharma AB in Stockholm, Sweden, is the site for the NUWIQ® production, a recombinant human FVIII produced in human cells. Regulatory guidelines states that recombinant bulk harvest need to be tested for mycoplasma prior to further processing. The presentation will give the overview on a nearly completed journey on replacing an out-sourced mycoplasma test with Thermo Fisher’s MycoSEQ qPCR assay. Octapharma in Stockholm has recently been sought regulatory approval for the assay that will be run in-house and hence save lead time for recombinant production. Actual resources, conditions and premises will vary between users and this will impact the process to implement the assay. Examples on how the work in Stockholm was conducted, from the initial stages towards full implementation, will be shown.

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