Scaling To Meet Demand Across the Life Cycle of a Recombinant Protein

Pramthesh Patel

May 15, 2024

1 Min Read

This case study explores Avid Bioservices' success in supporting biopharmaceutical clients for nearly two decades, notably scaling production of a recombinant enzyme from 100L to 2000L while upholding stringent regulatory standards. Avid's adept management of process changes, integration of technologies like automated cell counting, and meticulous attention to CMC were crucial. Their expertise ensured compliance, facilitating successful engagements with global regulatory authorities and sustained client partnerships. Avid’s unique combination of skill sets that represent the best of both large and small CMDOs underscores their agility and client-centric approach, exemplifying success in biopharmaceutical manufacturing through innovation and adaptability.

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