Bio-Techne takes aim at CGT analytical bottlenecksBio-Techne takes aim at CGT analytical bottlenecks

Analytical bottlenecks are one of the biggest hurdles in bringing cell and gene therapies (CGTs) to fruition, says tools and services firm Bio-Techne.

Millie Nelson, Editor

December 11, 2023

4 Min View

Bio-Techne displayed some of its analytical tools at last week’s Cell & Gene Therapy Manufacturing & Commercialization Europe event in Dublin, Ireland.

“Over the past few years, the main bottleneck in cell therapy manufacturing was on the manufacturing side itself,” Lauren Styles, commercial growth specialist for cell and gene therapy at Bio-Techne, told BioProcess Insider.

However, there have been a lot of advancements in that space “and that’s no longer where the biggest hurdles are,” she explained. “What we feel is the biggest hurdle right now is the analytical side and finding those gold standard methods for advanced therapy analytics.”

Harnessing its background in R&D systems within the proteins space, Bio-Techne has developed a range of instruments focused on the CGT space.

Specifically, the firm was showcasing its EllaJess, and Maurice tools, which Styles said are next generation analytical instruments positioned perfectly for the solid CGT workflows.

“What we are here to do is speed up, improve sensitivity, [and produce] more reliable results. To accelerate that time from product development to the clinic, time is so crucial,” she said. “Any step of the way that we can improve that and make it more efficient, is what we’re here to do, and this is what our instruments can bring to the fields.”

About the Author

Millie Nelson

Editor, BioProcess Insider

Journalist covering global biopharmaceutical manufacturing and processing news and host of the Voices of Biotech podcast.

I am currently living and working in London but I grew up in Lincolnshire (UK) and studied in Newcastle (UK).

Got a story? Feel free to email me at [email protected]

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