eBook: Intensified BioProcesses — Uniting Productivity and SustainabilityeBook: Intensified BioProcesses — Uniting Productivity and Sustainability
Biopharmaceutical companies gradually are exploring options for process intensification (PI) and continuous manufacturing. Such strategies are known to increase process economics and decrease equipment footprints, both of which help to reduce cost of goods, capital expenditure, and operational costs. But as this eBook shows, most companies have yet to consider another critical driver for adopting intensified bioprocesses: sustainability.
Recent studies into the environmental impacts of monoclonal antibody (MAb) production processes have underscored the water intensity of biomanufacturing. In this eBook, BPI’s managing editor speaks with editorial advisor Miriam Monge (Sartorius) about how intensified bioprocesses can reduce water consumption, decrease equipment needs and associated cleanroom requirements, and more — all of which help to alleviate negative environmental impacts from biomanufacturing processes and facilities. Read the eBook to learn about different PI strategies for both upstream and downstream processes, metrics for evaluating process sustainability, and decision-making criteria for companies that are interested in pursuing intensified — and even fully closed and continuous — unit operations.
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