On Wednesday, 5 June 2019, Letian Kuai delivered a presentation to the BPI Theater at BIO about the role of machine learning in drug design. In many cases, Kuai said, drugs are developed by accident. Researchers are beginning to leverage artificial intelligence to make those accidents occur more quickly and predictably. To that end, WuXi has developed a DNA encoded library (DEL) platform based on combinatorial chemistry principles and bolstered by artificial intelligence. This technology, Kuai suggests, could enable unprecedented chemical diversity and ease of asset development, as well as fast turnaround times for drug design and development.
ScaleReady and Germfree discuss the need to rethink sustainability and move towards a more standardized and simplistic manufacturing model to ensure health equity can be achieved.
The European Cell and Gene Therapy Congress for Groundbreaking Manufacturing, Commercialisation & Analytical Strategies: World renowned leaders share the latest process development, analytical and market access strategies to improve manufacturing scalability, quality and cost to propel your CGT programmes to commercial success