eBook: Bioassays for Biopharmaceuticals: Finding Best Practices in a Quality Systems WorldeBook: Bioassays for Biopharmaceuticals: Finding Best Practices in a Quality Systems World

17-10-eBook-Bioassays-Best-Practices-Cover-233x300.jpgBioassays are complex and challenging experiments to run reliably with accurate and dependable results. Consistent performance requires a controlled environment and qualified reagents; skilled analysts who understand cell physiology, regulatory requirements, and the latest techniques; and assay protocols that are intelligently developed, characterized, and validated. Here, BPI’s senior technical editor discusses bioassay best practices with representatives of the Biopharmaceutical Emerging Best Practices Association (BEBPA) organization. Topics span quality by design, assay validation, cell banking, potency testing and host-cell protein monitoring, and special considerations for biosimilars and regenerative medicine.

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