eBook: Drug Delivery — New Formats for Novel BiopharmaceuticalseBook: Drug Delivery — New Formats for Novel Biopharmaceuticals
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Advances related to drug delivery, formulation, and fill–finish have paralleled drug-modality research in recent years. Perhaps inevitably, the newest formulations and devices bring forth a number of technical and operating challenges in areas such as contamination control, standardization (especially for prefilled syringes), lyophilization, serialization, and management of outsourcing/partnering relationships. New product modalities such as oligonucleotides and advanced therapies are intensifying the traditionally sizable demands on formulation, fill and finish groups in the biopharmaceutical industry. The authors in this eBook address some such concerns. First, a CDMO executive highlights the latest options in container technology. Then, BPI’s managing editor discusses key aspects of LNP technology with a leading researcher.
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