2019 BioProcess International West Event Report2019 BioProcess International West Event Report
April 15, 2019
At the BPI West conference in Santa Clara, CA, common themes wove throughout multiple tracks specific to process stages and levels of regulatory scrutiny. The BPI West program brings upstream and downstream experts together into the same sessions based on whether they share early or late-stage concerns. Even though special tracks addressed viral safety and technological advancements this past March, and preconference symposia focused on specific topics, a significant amount of session overlap throughout the week ensured that attendees could mix and mingle while getting exposed to one another’s work. Commonalities emerged from these discussions as vaccine makers rubbed elbows with monoclonal antibody (MAb) developers and gene/cell therapy pioneers — and cell culture biologists with downstream process engineers and formulators.
In this eBook, editors of BioProcess International and BioProcess Insider examine the common themes of process intensification and continuous processing, automation and process control, analytics and characterization, and the importance of data management to all these.
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