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Efficient Single-Use Method for Midstream Cell Removal Using Filter AidEfficient Single-Use Method for Midstream Cell Removal Using Filter Aid
August 3, 2019
Sponsored by Filtrox
Cells and cell debris are removed between fermentation (upstream) and product cleaning (downstream) during a process called midstream. Midstream processes often are performed by combining several unit operations (1). A highly efficient method is cake filtration, which can be conducted using a FILTRODISC™ BIO SD depth filter. Here, I describe the cleaning of fermentation broths using cake filtration. This technology can maximize product yield and economic efficiency. With increasing particle loads (>108 cells/mL), standard technologies (e.g., centrifugation, separation, and membrane- and depth-filtration) have their limitations.
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1 Russell E, Wang A, Rathore AS. Harvest of Therapeutic Protein Product. Process Scale Bioseparations for Biopharmaceutical Industry. Shukla AA, Etzel MR, Gadam S, Eds. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group: Boca Raton, FL, 2007.
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